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Shruti Puri

Yale University

RQS Senior Investigator
Portrait of Shruti Puri

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Shruti Puri is an assistant professor in the Department of Applied Physics at Yale University. She leads a research group that focuses on the theory of quantum information processing and quantum optics to address open questions and applied challenges in developing useful quantum technologies, with a particular emphasis on quantum computing. Puri received her doctorate in applied physics from Stanford University in 2014.

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Recent News

  • Shruti Puri’s research is at the intersection of quantum optics — that is, how light interacts with matter — and quantum information theory.

    Puri Paves New Path in Quantum Exploration

    June 28, 2024

    Her research bridges quantum optics and quantum information theory, enabling her to develop tailored quantum error correction codes by understanding specific noise in hardware, which leads to more efficient quantum systems and revives interest in customized error correction approaches in the field.

  • Jeff Thompson in his lab

    Quantum Computing Enters the Atomic Realm (Optics & Photonics News)

    June 5, 2024

    RQS Co-PI and co-lead for Research Challenge 2 Jeff Thompson was featured in Optics & Photonics for his work on utilizing individual atoms and ions to develop more advanced quantum computing systems and enhance the stability and scalability of quantum computers.