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Our group aims to theoretically AND experimentally investigate various quantum properties of light-matter interaction for applications in future optoelectronic devices, quantum information processing, and sensing. Moreover, we explore associated fundamental phenomena, such as many-body physics, that could emerge in such physical systems. Our research is at the interface of quantum optics, condensed matter physics, quantum information sciences, and more recently, machine learning.

Group Lead

Profile photo of Mohammad Hafezi

All Group Members

  • Profile photo of Hossein Dehghani
  • Profile photo of Andrey Grankin
  • A photo of Kaixin Huang, who looks intently at the camera. He wears a black t-shirt and backpack. The sky is blue and cloudy behind him.
  • Profile photo of Tsung-Sheng Huang
  • Profile photo of En-Jui Kuo
  • Profile Photo of Kevin Li
  • Profile photo of Gautam Nambiar
  • Profile photo of Nikko Pomata
  • a photo of a man wearing a red shirt
  • A smiling young Asian man at a desk with short dark hair and glasses.
  • Yuxin
  • Profile photo of Yijia Xu

    Yijia Xu

  • Profile photo of Jingchen Zhang


  • Profile photo of Christopher Baldwin
  • A young man wearing a black shirt stands facing the camera with a white background.
  • Profile photo of Ze-Pei Cian
  • Profile photo of Eleanor Crane
  • Profile photo of Peter Lunts
  • Head and shoulder of a smiling, light skinned man wearing glasses in an outdoors setting
  • Profile photo of Mathias Van Regemortel